Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day 6

Pheeewww, I got my photo done for the day! I knew the weekends were going to be tough for getting this done on time but I'm proud of myself for keeping up with the challenge.
I took the kids & a couple of their friends (& their dog) sledding today. It was so much fun! Their only wish was to have more snow. We don't have much for this time of year, so hopefully we'll get more soon & then according to them it will be so much more awesomer!!


D Shoro said...

I love the multicolors against the winter landscape - nice!

Anna said...

Love the line up with all their colorful coats! Even that much snow is too cold for me...but looks fun for the kids.

Huffy said...

very nice! keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

This is terrific.. like the others said.. the color and the white... what a great keepsake of the day too.

Beth said...

Looks like so much fun! Love the color in their snowsuits! said...

Love the rainbow of sleds in contrast to the white and lack of color in the background!!! cool!