To dos & organization.
I'd love to hear how all of you organize, plan, make lists, & just keep everything straight in your head.
My hubby is a great organizer. He has been trying to get me to keep everything on my outlook, appointments, orders, to dos, well everything. I do use that & I also use my trusty old white board.
How do you do it?
oh yes, I have a dry erase board. It's a calendar tho.
My cell phone and google calendar! I'm the more organized one in the family. I have to send our schedule via infared to hubby's cell just so he won't forget. Dry erase board works good for us, but it's in the kitchen and we spend more time in the den on the cpu than in the kitchen. That's why I use the google calendar as my home page. :-)
just a pile of cr@p on my pc desk..i never have been organised and at my age have decided i never will.
My disorganization is organized..LOL
when you figure it out...let me know..just not enough hours in the day... :-)
I use my white board for shopping lists. All other stuff is put in a planner than I take in my tote and transferred to my Outlook at work, which in turn RULES my life....LOL!
We're supposed to be organized?? Who made up that rule??? :) Actually I'm great at organization.. I have some stuff organized on my phone... other stuff organized in Outlook... even more stuff is organized on little post-it notes... and I love lists.. lots and lots of lists to cross stuff off... now I'm not saying all this stuff works together... most of the time I duplicate stuff.. meaning updates don't happen everywhere.. and lists get lost... and I can't ever remember what that phone number on the post-it note is for... hmmm maybe that's my problem???
organization? what's that? LOL
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