Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 8

The pine trees look so beautiful when there is a heavy sticky snow on them. I took my oldest to school & these trees are outside of our backyard, I of course thought to myself I have to take picture before the sun comes & melts it all away.

The kids also had some friends over today. This was a picture they wanted to do.


Denise said...

Wow, love that tree shot. That needs to be hanging on your wall.

D Shoro said...

That tree shot would look great REALLY big! Nice!

Heidi Brand said...

The trees are so beautiful covered in snow.

Kayla Sullivan said...

Really girls?? The tree shot? I don't have a clue how to shoot landscapes. I just opened my deck door & took a shot. Maybe I should read up on how to do this.

Thank you.

Melinda said...

Love the snow on the trees - and you captured it beautifully

Patti White said...

kaylla..print that tree one large and hang it up!! superb!

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Oooooo...that is nice. The tree one is awesome!

Anna said...

What a beautiful shot of the stand of trees covered in snow. Looks like something on the front of a greeting card!

Beth said...

Holy Cow! That tree shot is amazing!!! Both of these look like they could be stock photos, but that first one is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love them both.... while I'm glad we don't get snow down here.. I'd love to have the chance to take some pix like those... :)

Anonymous said...

Looking GOOD.. Catching up on Posts.. M